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In the early '90s a number of British fanciers imported 'Nederlandse Hangoor Dwerg' rabbits from Holland. The Holland Lop Club, which was not affiliated to the BRC, was then formed to help these fanciers and co-ordinate efforts to develop the breed in the UK. All of the imported rabbits were ear tattooed by their breeders prior to importation into the UK.

At about the same time, the British Mini Lop Club, again an unaffiliated body, was formed to promote the breeding of a small lop eared rabbit using British blood lines which had been developed from Dwarf Lops.

In 1994 both Clubs applied for affiliation to the British Rabbit Council but were refused on the grounds that the two breeds were so similar and the B.R.C. was not prepared to accept one Club or Standard over the other. As it was apparent that, in the eyes of the B.R.C., we were dealing with the same rabbit, a Standard had to be written in consultation with the Breed Standards Committee of the B.R.C. which satisfied both groups of breeders. The amalgamation of the two Clubs, the new Standard and the ring size for the breed were agreed in principle and the new rings ( size K ) were issued by the B.R.C. in 1994. The new Club also had to have a name and a constitution. The Constitution and final Standard were agreed in November 1994 and in December a ballot of Members of both clubs was held by the BRC for the election of Officers and Committee of the newly named National Miniature Lop Rabbit Club. The first meeting of the new Committee was held at the Bradford Championship show in January 1995 and the Club was formally granted affiliation at a meeting of the B.R.C. Management Committee on January 28th 1995. The late John Sandford, who was for some time Secretary then Chairman and subsequently honorary advisor to the BRC, with his wealth of experience in such matters, was greatly influential in the bringing together of the two groups and the subsequent success of the new Club.

The Club is run by a Committee of 6 members plus a President, Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary. We have 2 judges panels of twenty people each. The judges are elected each year in the annual ballot of Members. The ballot is also the place where any alterations to the rules are decided by the Members.

There are currently about 300 Members scattered around the UK from Scotland to the South Coast with a few overseas Members. We hold about 8 shows each year and try to spread them fairly evenly around the Country so that all Members have the opportunity to attend Club Stock Shows. In December 1995 we held a show in conjunction with the first National Rabbit Show at the Cage & Aviary Birds Show in the NEC, Birmingham, one of only three breed clubs who attended. We were at the N.E.C. again in '96, 97 and 98 with more breed clubs in attendance.

At the end of 1995 we published our first year book which was distributed free to all 1996 Members. This is something we are quite proud of being able to do so soon after the formation of the Club. Our second year book was published in April 1997 and we have published one each year since.

The National Miniature Lop Rabbit Club has been very proud of the fact that, since it's formation, its Officers, Committee and Members have worked very closely together to encourage new Members and towards the improvement of the breed. In the early days there were very few rabbits which met the standard, many were of poor type or going over the weight limit. Also, the good examples of the breed were owned by only a small handful of people and many of our Members were pleased to go home from a show with a prize card at all. But they persevered with their breeding and gradually the better stock moved around the country from breeder to breeder, sometimes at very little cost. For the most part, advice, information and stock which has been passed round has been first class. This has allowed the stock to improve out of all recognition and the Miniature Lop can hold its own with the best. This was borne out at the London Championship Show in October 1999 when, to really end the Millennium on a high note, the Agouti Miniature Lop owned and bred by Susan Carlisle from Cumbria ( Solo Stud ) was made Best in Show.

If you would like to find out more about the Miniature Lop, or want to join the Club, or even if you just want to talk about rabbits, please contact the Secretary.

На Лондонской ЧЕМПИОНАТ

В начале 90-х число британских любителей импортированных кроликов Nederlandse Hangoor Dwerg "из Голландии. Голландии Lop клуб, который не входящими в BRC, затем был сформирован, чтобы помочь этим любителям и координировать усилия по разработке породы в Великобритании. Все импортированные кроликов ухе татуировку их заводчиков до ввоза в Великобританию. Примерно в то же время, британский мини Лоб-клуб, опять же самостоятельные тела, была создана для содействия разведению небольшого обкорнать ушастый кролик использованием британской крови линии, которые были разработаны с гном Lops. В 1994 году оба клуба применяются для присоединения к Британским Советом Кролик но им было отказано на том основании, что две породы были настолько похожи и BRC не был готов принять один клуб или стандартный над другим. Как уже было очевидно, что, в глазах BRC, мы имели дело с тем же кролик, Стандартный должны были быть написаны на основе консультаций с Комитетом породы Стандарты BRC, которые удовлетворяли обе группы селекционеров. Объединения двух клубов, новый стандарт и размер кольца для породы были согласованы в принципе, и новые кольца (размер К) были выпущены BRC в 1994 году. Клуб новыми и должны были иметь имя и конституции. Конституция и окончательный стандарт был согласован в ноябре 1994 года и в декабре голосованием членов обоих клубов был проведен BRC для выборов должностных лиц и Комитет вновь имени Национального Клуба Миниатюрный Кролик Lop. Первое заседание нового Комитета была проведена в Брэдфорде чемпионата шоу в январе 1995 года и клуб был официально предоставлен принадлежности на заседании BRC Правления 28 января 1995 года. Покойного Джона Сэндфорд, который был на некоторое время секретарь тогдашний председатель, а затем почетным советником BRC, с его богатым опытом в таких вопросах, был очень влиятельным в объединение этих двух групп и последующий успех нового клуба. Клуб находится в ведении комитета из 6 членов, плюс президент, председатель, казначей и секретарь. У нас есть 2 судьи панелей из двадцати человек в каждой. Судьи избираются каждый год в ежегодном голосовании членов. Голосованием также место, где любые изменения в правила решаются членами. Есть в настоящее время около 300 членов рассеяны по всей Великобритании от Шотландии до Южное побережье с несколькими зарубежными членами. Мы проводим около 8 показывает каждый год, и попытаться разместить их довольно равномерно по всей стране так, чтобы все члены Организации имеют возможность посещать клуб Показывает бирже. В декабре 1995 года мы провели шоу в сочетании с первой Национальной выставке Кролик на Кейджа и вольер Птицы выставке в NEC, Бирмингем, одна из трех породных клубов, которые присутствовали. Мы были на NEC раз в 96, 97 и 98 с более породных клубов в посещаемости. В конце 1995 года мы опубликовали первую книгу года, которая была распространена бесплатно для всех 1996 Пользователей. Это то, что мы очень гордимся тем, что в состоянии сделать это вскоре после образования клуба. Наша вторая книга года был опубликован в апреле 1997, и мы опубликовали один каждый год с тех пор. Национального Миниатюрный Лоб Кролик клуба был очень горд тем, что, так как это образование, его должностных лиц, комитет и члены работали очень тесно, чтобы поощрять новых членов и на пути к улучшению породы. В первые дни было очень мало кроликов, которые встретились стандарт, многие из них были из бедных типа или переходя предел веса. Кроме того, хорошие примеры породы находились в собственности только маленькая горстка людей, и многие из наших членов были рады вернуться домой из шоу с картой приз на всех. Но они упорно продолжали с их разведения и постепенно лучше фондового двигался страну от заводчика заводчик, иногда по очень низкой цене. По большей части, советы, информацию и семенного материала, который был принят круглый был первый класс. Это позволило улучшить запас до неузнаваемости и Миниатюрный Лоб может устоять с лучшими. Это было подтверждено на выставке Лондоне чемпионате в октябре 1999 года, когда, по-настоящему конца тысячелетия на высокой ноте, Агути Миниатюрный Лоб собственности и выведенных Сьюзан Карлайл из Камбрии (Solo Stud) было сделано Бэст ин Шоу. Если вы хотели бы , чтобы узнать больше о Миниатюрный Лоб, или вы хотите вступить в клуб, или даже если вы просто хотите, чтобы говорить о кроликах, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с секретарем. Jane E Даффи, секретарь Национального Миниатюрный Лоб Кролик клуба



Silver Fox Buck Ginko
The Miniature Lop Rabbit is known as the Holland Lop in the USA. The Miniature Lop is a small rabbit weighing a maximum of 3lb 8oz. It has a short, broad and well muscled body with little visible neck. It's chest is broad and deep with broad and strong shoulders. The front legs are thick, short and straight, the hind legs are short, strong and powerful. The coat is dense and of good length, roll back with an abundance of guard hairs. The legs, foot pads and ears are well furred. The head is bold and broad, the profile being strongly curved with a good width between the eyes, full cheeks and a broad muzzle. The eyes are bold, bright and large. There is a well developed crown with broad, thick ears which are rounded at the ends and carried close to the cheeks (BRC Breed Standards, 1996-2000)
The combination of it's small size and good nature makes this breed appealing to both pet owner and those interested in breeding and showing alike. And because they can be shown in any recognised colour or pattern, they provide a challenge to anyone interested in colour genetics…



The early days of the breed in the UK
The Miniature Lop as we know it today had a less than conventional start in the UK.  The very early rabbits came from two sources.  The lops bred down from our own Dwarf Lops (which in effect were the first Miniature Lops in the UK, but were allowed to grow in size) which were known as British Mini Lops and the newer imports which were arriving in from the continent in the late 1980's which were gave the name Holland Lops
With the formation of the new National Specialist Club for the breed, came a new name.  That of the MINIATURE LOP.

On the 1st August 1994, the British Rabbit Council granted the Miniature Lop, breed status and along with this came the opportunity to compete in with the rest of the standardised rabbits in the UK for CC's, Best of Breeds and ultimately, Best In Shows.
The first CC for the breed was awarded at Cartmel Agricultural show on the 4th August and it went to a Red Eyed White belonging to Shaun & Michelle Lewis.  From then on it the road was set and the race had begun.  It wasnt to be long before the first Best In Show award would be given to a Miniature Lop in the UK.

The First BIS
Just over one month after gaining BRC recognition, the first BIS award was won by a Miniature Lop.  It was at the Yorkshire & Humberside Lop Circles breed club stock show under judges Sue & Dave Gaunt (husband & wife). The award was won by a REW import belonging to Phil Batey which had just come out of quarantine in the July of that year.  This Best In Show was to become the first of a string of BiS awards for this rabbit. He won TEN in all which was a record held for quite some time.

The NMLRC gets affiliation
The first meeting of the new committee was held at Bradford Championship show on January 28th 1995 and the club was formally granted affiliation to the BRC on January 28th.  From  here on in, the rest, as they, is history.
The club now boast a very healthy membrship of around 300 who are scattered from the far north of Scotland to the very South Coast of the UK.  We also have members from the country of origin (Holland) and from the United States as well.The National Miniature Lop Rabbit Club has been very proud of the fact that, since its formation, its Officers, Committee and Members have worked very closely together to encourage new members and towards the improvement of the breed.  In the early days there were very few rabbits which met the standard, many were of poor type and going over the wieght limit.  Also the good exapmles of the breed were owned by  only a small handful of people and many of our members were pleased to go home from a show with a prize card at all.  But they persevered with their breeding and gradually the better stock moved around the country from breeder to breeder, sometimes at very little cost.  For the most part, advice, information and stock which has been passed around has been first class.  This has allowed the breed to improve out of all recognition and the Miniature Lop can hold its own with the best.

Other Historical Miniature Lops
Following on from the first Best In Show winner we can look towards other landmark victories for the Miniature Lop.  The first Best Fancy at a General Championship show was won by another Ruskin rabbit, although not owned by Phil Batey this time.  Ruskin's Trooper was a REW son of the first UK BiS winner, Thor and bred by Phil but owned by Paul & Rosemary Harper from Cannock in Staffordshire. Sheryl Faint was to become the first person to win a National Breed Club Best In Show award which she did with a young Agouti at the NMLRC first ever stock show held at the Lancashire Championship Show in Bacup, Lancashire under judge - Jane Bramley.  Peter Faint (Sheryl's father) was the next breeder to make history with the breed by winning the first General Championship Show Best In Show award.  This came about in 1998 at the Scottish Rabbit Club Championship show on the same day as Phil Batey judged it and made him BiS in the National Miniature Lop Clubs stock show.  This rabbit was a Black and was called The Cannon and was a formidable rabbit for a couple of years, taking quite a few more BiS awards along the way.  London Championship Show 1999 was to become the best finale of the old millenium that any breeder of Miniature Lops could have wished for.  The first 5* Best In Show win. This great accolade went to a young adult Agouti buck called 'Morris' which belonged to Sue Carlile of Solo Stud.  The Miniature Lop had certainly by now been accepted as a force to be reckoned with and has gone from strength to strength ever since.